Notification popup of Beta period

Some Beta1 users have misunderstood the popup message that was recently shown by Panda Cloud Antivirus, announcing the availability of the Beta2 version.

The feedback we received is that some users thought the software was going to stop being free. I wanted to post this to clarify any confusions that might have been created by this notification.

This notification is merely announcing the availability of the Beta2 version. Some considerations to take into account during the beta period:

  • As soon as a new Beta version is announced (Beta2, Beta3, etc.) the previous Beta version will stop connecting to Collective Intelligence and updating its cache.
  • Users can of course download the new Beta version for free.
  • After the Beta period is over and Panda Cloud Antivirus version 1.0 is released it will continue being free without any loss of functionality whatsoever.

Sorry if this notification has caused any confusion.

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9 Responses to “Notification popup of Beta period”

  1. Alexander Says:

    It would be great if users could as an option choose to let the software update itself automagical, like cloud softwares should do. 🙂 I’m helping an old lady to take care of her computer and I’m thinking that Cloud Antivirus is great for her slow computer that she is using only to pay bills. But she is not capable to update the Cloud Antivirus on her own.

  2. Don Says:

    I know you’ve probably been asked this question before, and I apologize, but I need clarification. The Help section and this post both state that “After the Beta period is over and Panda Cloud Antivirus version 1.0 is released it will continue being free…”

    Does this mean, after the release of Panda Cloud AV 1.0, that the final beta release will be free of charge, Panda Cloud AV 1.0 will be free of charge, or both?

  3. Pedro Bustamante Says:

    @Alexander yes after version 1.0 we will have a version of Panda Cloud Antivirus which will do automagical upgrades as well as other things.

    @Don Of course Beta versions are always free. But after beta Panda Cloud Antivirus 1.0 will continue being FREE of charge.

  4. Don Says:

    Thanks Pedro! Looking forward to beta3, keep up the great work!

  5. Arun Vijayan Says:

    So, now, how bout making that message lil user friendly?

  6. Pedro Bustamante Says:

    @Arun Vijayan Working on that right now 🙂

  7. haxs Security Says:

    You should have to be more carefull with this type os message, because the simple users donn`t understand the msg and and the mostly are paranoic looking for some other antivirus because they thibg that Panda Cloud will not work any more in his computers.

    I’m trying to publicity this excellent product in mi office and now I have a lot of users calling me for a serial of panda cloud.

    Please, be more carefull in the future with the sintax in your messages.



  8. Wiebelhaus Says:

    Thanks for the heads up and thanks for the fine work.

  9. carl manthei Says:

    My desk top Panda icon now says the beta period is over and that my computer is not protected. What should I do now?

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