Known Issue: On-Demand Scan Stuck at x%

We have been getting some reports from users that after running a manual on-demand scan it seems to be stuck or stopped at x%. The error code that is returned is different than “1”.

In order to help us troubleshoot this problem please follow these steps:

1.- Download and extract the file into a new folder, for example C:\Test.
2.- Browse to the C:Test directory and execute the file called “Start.bat“.
3.- Run a manual on-demand scan from Panda Cloud Antivirus to try to reproduce the problem.
4.- If the problem is successfully reproduced, execute the file “Stop.bat“.
5.- There will be a file called “Session01.etl” in the C:\Test directory.

If you can reproduce this problem please post the Session01.etl file to

Many thanks for all your help & support !! 🙂

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6 Responses to “Known Issue: On-Demand Scan Stuck at x%”

  1. Wolfgang Faltenbacher Says:

    I had the same problem a coiuple of times (and it is still ongoing).

    I produced the dump described aboveand send it to the above e-amil adress. Unfortunately the dump is rather large, for it only szops after 99% of the scan (ca. 80 000 files) (ca 360 MB – zipped file 17 MB).

    the mail-recipient did not accept such a large e-mail, see msg below

    This is the Postfix program at host

    I’m sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It’s attached below.

    For further assistance, please send mail to

    If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message.

    The Postfix program

    : host[] said: 552 Error:
    message too large (in reply to end of DATA command)

  2. Pedro Bustamante Says:

    @Wolfgang Faltenbacher We think we finally fixed this bug. Check back in a few days to download Beta3 where this should be fixed.

  3. Bob Says:

    I’m still having this problem. I just downloaded it yesterday. Dec 1st 2009. Scan on demand stuck at 54%. will not progress. gets stuck everytime

  4. Rameshpagadala Says:

    i had the same problem but resolved by reinstalling the programme.

  5. Zoran Says:

    After a couple of weeks using Panda I have problem to finish “scan other items”.Actually,scaning stuck on 0%,and refuses to continue.What to do?

  6. Pedro Bustamante Says:

    @Zoran First make sure you are running the latest version (1.0). Then activate advanced logging (search this blog for how to do this) and run the scan with advanced logging. You will be able to find in the log the file that the scan is stuck with. Send me this file please so we may analyze it.

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